Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yes, Yes, Yes... I'm still here

... But with working, and sleeping, and commuting to Blacksburg for football games, I'm lucky if I even read my emails, never mind blog.

I've had some progress on the knitting front, albeit with little projects. Commuting to Tech has its advantages.

I'm nearly finished with the second Chuppah Square. (It's coming, Cindy-- really it is!!!) These puppies aren't blocked yet, but soon....

I'm halfway through the first of a pair of Hokie-themed felted clogs. (I can't find the rest of the yarn!!!!! Quel disaster!!! It's around here someplace!)(Sorry- no picture of this one. More later.)

I'm working on a Cherry Tree Hill sock-- on 0's if you can believe me, and using Wendy's generic toe-up pattern. I may do something interesting on the cuff when I get there. I'm thinking about it.


There's nothing like it at Virginia Tech. We had a couple of disappointments, but it looks as if we may be back on track.

This is what "Orange Effect" looks like in Lane Stadium. Phyl would have been in heaven. (The game was against Georgia Tech. We won't speak of this further.) The Daughter is in the band-- The Marching Virginians. They have a great time, before and during the game. As they're approaching the stadium, the ever-amusing Tubas always have fun. Yes, that's a porta-potty. And yes-- there was someone in there. Can't beat college kids for having a good time.

And this is "Maroon Effect." It was against Clemson who did orange that night.This is their Tiger being very worried, because things weren't going their way.

The game against Clemson on Thursday night was just amazing. Both teams played well. Both teams treated each other with respect-helping each other up after plays, obligitory pats on the butt... Almost no fouls!!! Although I know that Clemson fans were disappointed, everyone seemed to have a really good time. When the students "stormed the field" at the end of the game, it was out of sheer joy.

They behaved themselves and it was great.

There were a couple of downers, though.

This was my view of the first half of the game. The idiots a couple of rows ahead of us (who must have gotten the tickets somehow from the nice people who usually sit there) decided they needed to stand, although there was NO ONE in front of them. Granted, in the student sections, people stand throughout the game, and that's fine-- but we're in the first row of the more (ahem) shall I say, mature area. We stand when there's a reason to, but mostly we just want to watch the game.

We really wanted season tickets this year. The only way we could get them was to give a rather sizeable donation to the athletic department for special seats. I say this not to be snobby. We would have been happy to get tickets sitting with God, where we spent much of last year, but they just weren't available. So we figured that since we bought tickets on e-Bay last year, and paid a boatload for them, we'd rather give the extra $$ to the school and the athletic fund. In exchange, we have real seats with real backs (and cupholders--can you believe it?) that we like to sit in during the game.

They decided to put on a show, too. (We were hoping not to be present at the conception of their first child.)But at least they were sitting down at this point, and we could see the game.

Virginia Tech has a program called "Hokies Respect." Those who "act out" are theoretically singled out by "Jerk Alert." (hey- it works!) I did not take a picture of the female half of this couple making obscene gestures to the other team's fans. There was really no excuse for that behavior. "Jerk Alert" really fit the bill.

Aside from that irritation, it was an amazing evening. The bottom line was that the overwhelming majority of fans on both sides, and the players on both sides had a great time-- with great respect and good spirit. It was a wonderful atmosphere.

I've missed my friends from The Shop. Hopefully I'll be able to go on Wednesday night for awhile, and maybe on Friday.

Coming up:

A special day for me on Friday.

I'm off to Atlanta for a conference next week, then flying back to Roanoke for Band Parents' day at the Hokies game against Kent State. (Kent State? Should be interesting. They're scheduled against Florida State this year, too.)(Kent State?)

Hmmm-- conference, airplane, KNITTING TIME!!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Drive-By Entry

All's well-- just another crazy couple of weeks.

The VT vs GT game was a good one-- but we lost. Frank Beamer put it best-- "We helped them out a lot, and they didn't need our help." It was "Orange Effect" at Lane stadium, and as soon as I get my act together, I'll post some pictures. I also visited with Mimi at Mosaic in Blacksburg. She works with Gina there. I was SO happy to find another ball of the pink stuff so I could finish the baby kimono.

I worked through the week and weekend, doing an overtime shift each week (cha-ching!) Yesterday a group of us went to Stephanie's hospital to do a presentation.

We're having a "Great American Bakesale" tomorrow at work, so today has seen me as a baking fool. I've done 4 batches of brownies and a couple dozen muffins so far, and now that I'm out of eggs, I need to go get some more.

Hopefully, I'll hit KH tonight.