Since it's not been busy, busy in my unit at work, I've been detailed to work on some projects for The Hospital, and it's kept me busy, busy.
There wasn't even much kNITting to blog about, as I went for quite awhile without even picking up needles to any great extent.
That problem has been remedied, and I've even hit 2 Late Nights. (Skipped tonight because The Husband and I went out for dinner-- that's another story-- coming up later in this blog.)
April 16th came and went with some tears, some prayers, some time with friends and some time for meditation. I met a friend for lunch in Old Town, and when I returned to my car, there was a packet of sunflower seeds with a VT sticker, an orange ribbon, and a request to plant the seeds in rememberance. I was touched. I found out that some people were handing them out in town, and I guess they saw the VT stickers on my car. What a thoughtful gesture on such a difficult day.
So-- kNITting progress--
Tilted duster-- sleeves are done-- Hurrah, Hurrah! Next step is picking up and knitting the collar. Shouldn't be too bad. I should make some headway on that tomorrow.
(Oh yes-- Tomorrow! I'm heading down to Blacksburg for the second of 4 2-day sessions to become a certified Event Planner! Y'know-- conferences, fund raisers, weddings, bar mitvahs-- they actually have classes for that. It's most interesting and lots of fun.)
The Linen project for a special person-- first one's almost done. About 2 inches left.
Dinner Tonight
The Husband said "Let's go out for dinner." Hey-- I'm a fan. Since he was driving and paying, I didn't bring my purse-- one less thing for me to forget.
Let me make it perfectly clear that I LOVE Famous Dave's. Great pork barbecue, yummy ribs, and Wilbur beans that are just superb.
But let me ask you a question-- seriously-- and don't even try to be nice--do these two really appear to be under 21?
OK-- I don't think so either. But they have their rules, so be it. No ID, No Beer. Sigh.
After quite a long time, we were able to order. Easy order-- onion strings and a combo for 2. 1/2 hour later-- onion strings arrive. Another 1/2 hour later- combo for 2 arrives. 45 minutes later-- done eating by 20 minutes or so, and hoping for the check. And hoping. And maybe a box or two to take home our rather large amount of leftovers. Waiter kept walking past us, averting eyes, being busy, busy. Finally, a check. Some boxes. A discussion with the manager. 2 hours have elapsed since we arrived. Without beer.
Good thing the food's so good.