Saturday, October 20, 2007

What REALLY Went On At Hogwarts?

Hmmmm..... Very Interesting!


Vouray said...

So how does that enhance the story at all? Why did she do that?

knittish said...

Hi, Nurse Laura--what a treat it was to see you Saturday! Thanks for stopping by.

And--Tag, you're it (if you want to be). =) Check out my blog for more info. But no pressure. Just play along if you like.

Jane said...

What is the point of J.K.R giving us that piece of news? over here the Gay rights movement is delighted and questioning why i wasn't added into the books. I'm disappointed, he seemed a nice old wizard who had made mistakes acknowledged them and was working for a better wizarding/muggle future.

Jane said...

oops! sorry that last post was supposed to read: "the gay rights movement is delighted and questioning why IT wasn't added into the books.